Substance Abuse and Recovery Blog

A teen after rehabilitation from substance use disorder, at home with his mother.

Recovery Roadmap: Life After Treatment for Your Teen

Congratulations on reaching this significant milestone with your child who has just completed treatment for substance use. This moment is both a celebration and the beginning of a crucial phase ...
A drug using teen's bedroom.

Found Drugs in Your Son or Daughter’s Room: What to do next

It's a situation no parent wants to face, but one we hear about all too often: you’ve found drugs in your son or daughter's room. What do you do next? ...
girl plugging her ears not listening to mom lecture her

Should You Drug Test Your Teenager?

It can be extremely confusing, scary, and frustrating to discover that your child may be using drugs. What's more, it's usually unclear whether or not your child is being honest ...
teen looking at phone

How Does Social Media Influence Drug Use?

Social media plays an ever-growing role in our lives on a daily basis. For many of us, we use social media every day, but understand very little of how it ...
Top top five drugs used by teens.

Top 5 Most Common Drugs Used by Teens: Real world data

As a substance abuse treatment program specializing in working with teens and young adults who struggle with substance use disorders, we are often asked questions about commonly used drugs. Though ...
Teenagers hanging out with their feet dangling from a ledge.

Real World Data: What is the Number One Drug Used By Teens?

As substance abuse counselors who specialize in working with teens, we get a lot of questions about trends in teen drug use. In this article, we'll dive into the actual ...
A residential substance abuse treatment group holding hands in a meeting.

9 Benefits of Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Centers

Though other levels of care have their benefits, there are distinct advantages to residential substance abuse treatment centers when a client’s teenager's or young adult's substance abuse problem is severe ...
A young boy and his father deciding between inpatient and outpatient rehab.

Inpatient vs Outpatient Rehab: Which to Choose?

Realizing that ourselves or a family member has a substance use disorder is a big step – and many times comes as a shock. The next logical question we ask ...
A mother trying to speak with her daughter about her addiction.

The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease

It is natural for parents to respond when their children struggle. When parents become aware that their child is experiencing discomfort, they instinctively take steps to try and help. Whether ...
A college-age young adult in a rehab setting.

Young Adult Rehab vs Traditional Drug Treatment

Why Young Adults Need Age Specific Substance Abuse Treatment The young adult, or 18-25 year old, is often forgotten in the greater drug / alcohol treatment world. They aren’t teenagers, ...
A porn addict on his computer.

Is Porn Addictive and How Are We Defining Porn Addiction?

While porn addiction overuse continues to appear as a treatment and therapy issue for individuals of all ages, it is still a controversial topic. Most sources agree that porn is ...
Two faces detaching from one another.

Detaching With Love

If you spend any time around addiction recovery circles you are bound to hear a lot of recovery lingo. Mottos, sayings, and acronyms abound – and for good reason. These ...