Teen and Young Adult Alcohol, Drug, and Substance Abuse Recovery Support Groups in California and Arizona

Teen Drug Abuse Recovery Support Groups in Phoenix, AZ

The Pathway Program in California and Arizona provides drug addiction support groups, substance abuse support groups and alcohol addiction support groups for teens and young adults who utilize our substance abuse treatment services. We are an alternative peer group in Phoenix and Sacramento areas.

These peer drug abuse, substance abuse and alcohol addiction support groups are a part of both our substance abuse treatment and aftercare programs at Pathway. A positive peer support group helps to provide the strength young people need to recover. Sharing common experiences and goals with other teens reinforces the lessons learned in treatment and offers a safe place to practice new skills with peers.

Learn more about the effectiveness of Alternative Peer Groups

Pathway’s drug addiction, substance abuse and alcohol support groups include:

  • Three staffed drug and alcohol addiction support group meetings per week, where teens can participate in discussions with their peers about substance abuse recovery.
  • Two sober social events per week, held Friday and Saturday evenings, where young people can learn to enjoy substance abuse recovery and socialize with other sober youth.

For more information about Pathway’s drug abuse and alcohol addiction support group meetings, Contact us at 877-921-4050.