Category Archives: Substance Abuse Recovery Tools

teen looking at phone

How Does Social Media Influence Drug Use?

By on July 20th, 2023 in Addiction, Adolescent and Young Adult Substance Use, Substance Abuse Recovery Tools

Social media plays an ever-growing role in our lives on a daily basis. For many of us, we use social media every day, but understand very little of how it affects us.

Social media and drug use are closely related issues for teenagers. This is because substances and social media affect the brain in similar ways. They can both cause of release of high levels of dopamine which can lead to produce addictive behaviors.

Social media has a huge impact on how we interpret others, ourselves, and the world around us. For this article, we are going to focus on social media’s relationship with dopamine and the brain’s reward system.

What is Dopamine?

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that can be released in the brain and is commonly associated with pleasure, satisfaction, enjoyment, and reward. This system is in place to reward us when we take positive healthy actions in order to ensure we keep taking those actions, and it’s also one of the primary ways that drug use affects the teen brain.

Drug Use and Social Media

The greater the reward, the greater the chance we become addicted. For most of human history, this risk has been mitigated by the fact that high-reward activities took hard work and long periods of time to achieve.

In today’s world of fast food, door dash, and internet food channels, we can access more food in an hour than our ancestors could access in a lifetime. The same is true for most other resources, and social media provides a convenient shortcut to receiving that reward.

Unearned Highs

As we discussed above, our brain’s reward system is in place to motivate us to take healthy actions. We have two routes to achieving these rewards;

  1. We can earn these highs through action and actually putting in the work required, or
  2. We can cheat the system and trick our brain into experiencing unearned highs.

For as long as the brain’s reward systems have been in place, humans have been finding ways to cheat the system, so to speak. Lying, stealing, cheating, fantasy, overconsumption, and manipulation are just a few of the tools we can use to try to cheat the system and experience rewards we did not earn.

The big tradeoff to our mental health becomes short-term pleasure for long-term pain (unearned highs), or short-term pain for long-term pleasure (earned highs).

Social media platforms play into this balance by offering an endless source of unearned highs, capable of tricking the brain into more dopamine “hits” than would normally be possible.

The Disadvantages

Through the internet and social media, people now have access to more information in an hour than what was available in a lifetime for previous generations.

There are many obvious advantages to this, but there are also some serious disadvantages. Social media plays a large part in a bigger cultural dilemma today which is dopamine saturation and immediate gratification by:

  • Using likes, subscribes, comments, and many other measures of approval to feed our desire for attention and human connection. Each “like” gives us a little hit of dopamine, each subscriber gives us a little more.
  • On top of that, we can live vicariously through others and get a taste of what it’s like to climb Mount Everest, be a millionaire, and get the love interest of our dreams all in a 15-minute window.

It’s no wonder so many people are glued to their phones. There are very few things in life that can provide that many quick fixes in short succession.

Dopamine: Social Media and Drug Use

This is where the connection between drug use and social media comes into play. In a world where quick fixes drive our daily lives and drugs are more available than ever before, the quick fix of drugs isn’t a huge jump from all the other quick fixes we access daily. The most common drugs used by teens all operate the same way on the brain.

Drugs affect the brain in the same way social media does, tricking our brains into huge releases of dopamine. Obviously, drugs are much more detrimental, but the payout is also significantly higher.

Effect of Social Media on Recovery

The connection that we consistently see at The Pathway Program between social media and substance use disorders is that both feed into the negative cycle of addiction in the brain, giving us quick fixes and demanding more and more as time goes on.

It is very common to see a person in recovery completely addicted to popular social media. Many of the teens and young adults we work with, come into addiction treatment with a drug abuse problem; along with an unhealthy obsession with social media.

In recovery, the young people who continue to feed into social media addiction are rarely capable of long-term recovery. The addictive cycle demands more reward, and always leads to relapse, if not broken.

What’s the Solution?

So, how does social media influence drug use? They both involve seeking unearned highs, which is a behavior that only results in further addictive behavior and mental health problems.

The solution for both issues involves finding ways to achieve self-worth, approval, positive relationships with friends and families, and positive experiences through earned highs, and to limit the negative behavior patterns of addiction and rush-seeking behavior.

A human hand intervening on some dominos falling.


By on March 1st, 2022 in Family Support for Addiction, Substance Abuse Recovery Tools

What is an intervention and how do we know if we need one? First, let’s define it. An intervention according to Merriam Webster is the act of interfering with the outcome or course especially of a condition or process (as to prevent harm or improve functioning).

So, what we are talking about is altering the course of a condition or process. I think addiction falls into the category of a process and a condition that is afflicting the entire family. For most families who have an active addicted loved one, they can look back over the years and see the process developing. There is usually a definitive cycle between the parents, addict, siblings, and extended family that is repeating itself over and over. Although nobody in the family likes this cycle, they have become stuck in it. This cycle is often driven by fear, guilt, and lack of awareness of alternative solutions.

When the loved ones around an addict finally reach a point of considering an intervention, this option can be overwhelming. This is partially because of the amount of differing information that exists about addiction and interventions in general. In this brief article I hope to give parents some clarity and a few things to consider if they are thinking about an intervention.

In my experience interventions often overly focus on the addict and their behavior. i.e., the addict is using, how do we get them to treatment? Or the addict is doing this or that and we want it to stop. At first glance it seems to make sense to focus on the addict’s behavior because that is the urgent concern, but sometimes an intervention solely focused on this fails to address changes that need to happen throughout the entire family. An intervention at its worst can become a manipulation, where parents use threats (that they do not intend to or are not capable of following up) to try to motivate the addict to fall in line. All of this is very unlikely to be effective and helpful in the long term.

I believe a healthier way to go into an intervention is for the loved ones who are considering the intervention to look at it with this thought in mind: “We are the ones who need and are seeking intervention. It is our behavior that we have power over, and our behavior that must change.” A family with this perspective has a much better chance of a good outcome. They will focus on educating themselves about addiction, as well as looking at themselves and their own patterns of reacting to the addict and each other. This also allows them to focus on something they really have power over – themselves! Any time I speak with parents about interventions, I often say the intervention starts with you, not your loved one. This then leads to the family getting help, whether the addict is interested or not.

The following analogy describes this approach to an intervention:  A family has all been driving west on the freeway in separate vehicles, led by the addict. Now some of the family has decided after a series of troubles that they no longer wish to head west. They think there is a better outcome in another direction. The intervention is usually done by sitting with the addict and letting them know, “We are going North at this point, you are more than welcome to join us if you wish. If you do not wish to that is also ok, but you will be on your own headed west and if you have a breakdown or issue you will need to handle it.”

This analogy is meant to illustrate that the family must decide what is healthy overall and commit to a direction. The addict should always be allowed and encouraged to participate in the new direction, but they are no longer in charge of the navigation. This is also very empowering for the addict in that they are given the choice to go whichever direction they wish. They can be reminded that they are able to handle the consequences of their choices, both good and bad. It is good to be prepared for a negative reaction, as addicts often do not like this empowerment; having someone else to blame and to fix their problems can be a very comfortable place to live. Another pitfall to watch for is the addict “playing the victim”, i.e. “Why are you doing this to me?” The addict is not the only one faced with the decision to stay in a victim mentality, the family is now placed in a position to decide if they want to be victims to the addict as well. A choice to go west is a choice to continue to suffer, and then blame the addict. An intervention is simply parents acknowledging that they no longer must go west, even if the addict continues to do so. This is what usually leads to the most successful outcome, this way the whole family can be free. Parents can let go, live their own lives, and go in their own direction. The addict can do the same. Many times, this leads to the whole family heading in the new direction together, for some this may happen later when it becomes clear to the addict that the new direction is a much happier journey.

As you consider whether you need or want to do an intervention with an addict, I think it best to first ask yourself: Am I ready to be intervened on? Am I ready for a change? Am I prepared to change my direction even if it is uncomfortable? If your answer is yes, then a great start to an intervention in the family is to immediately start receiving support for yourself. Get to your nearest PAL meeting or another available parent support group meeting and walk in ready for a change. It will be the start of tremendous healing and hope.

This article was written by Josh Azevedo for Parents of Addicted Loved Ones and originally appeared on their blog for families of addicted loved ones here.

Right now in letters being placed by a hand.

One Day at a Time

By on January 19th, 2022 in Parent Recovery, Substance Abuse Recovery Tools

An essential tool for recovery. Navigating addiction in the family is typically overwhelming on its own. Bringing the past or future into it creates even more anxiety and tension and complicates an already difficult situation. It is enough to have to deal with today without bringing yesterday and tomorrow into it. Fear about tomorrow can keep us awake at night as we play out movies or possible outcomes for ourselves or a loved one. Focus on yesterday can have the same effect if we replay events we wish had gone differently. Spending time mentally in yesterday and tomorrow breaks our focus away from our lives today. This is dangerous and distracting as daily life alone requires a fair amount of focus.

Let’s talk a bit about living in each of these days; yesterday, tomorrow, and today.


When we dwell in yesterday, it is easy to become depressed or to get stuck there. I see parents who have spent much time thinking over their entire history with their child; wondering where they went wrong, wishing things were like they used to be, searching for someone to blame, falling into remorse and regret, bearing unnecessary guilt, staying stuck in self-pity, and lamenting lost time. Although it may vary in severity, these perspectives tend to persist with too much focus on yesterday. To change perspective, start by accepting what has happened has happened and is unchangeable. We may never receive an explanation or understand why, but we can still find meaning in our journey. The focus can then be turned toward today.

Today we can let go of old hurts and we can forgive ourselves. Parents can remind themselves that they acted in good faith, loved their child, and did the best they could with what they had. Keep in mind not to judge yesterday’s actions with today’s information. It is difficult to enjoy life or to be effective today if you are beating yourself, or anybody else up mentally about yesterday. I believe it is critical to forgive ourselves and others, “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” (I think that is written somewhere.) Let go of the past, take your experience and lessons and use them today.


Once we accept that there is no going back, we must next accept that we cannot control the future. No amount of worrying or planning can guarantee an outcome and there will always be the unexpected, fear and worry which do not help.

When we focus too heavily on tomorrow it can create tremendous stress and drastic missteps as we take actions in response to movies that play in our minds (which may or may not ever come to pass). These movies are often created by fear, expectation, or just plain desire to control an outcome. In recovery we have an acronym for fear (F.E.A.R. – False Events Appearing Real).

When focused on tomorrow we will spend tremendous time, effort, and stress on something we cannot possibly control and are not even sure will happen (F.E.A.R.).

Focusing on tomorrow can lead us to avoid what needs to be done today for fear of a future outcome. Think of a parent enabling an addicted love one’s self-destruction because they fear the possible consequences. The outcome is that the parent dislikes themselves for not doing the right thing and it doesn’t help the addict anyway. So, it only succeeds in keeping the whole family in a state of dysfunction. Parents never intend this, but often fear of the future overcomes them and they do it anyway. This leads to living with tremendous anxiety. What we can do instead is focus on the here and now and decide what the best thing to do today is. Followed by being prepared to accept any outcome, “Thy will be done.” If we feel good about our choices right now, we can know that we have done our best.


Today we can weigh out what we will feel the best about doing and act on that.

Today we can accept that future outcomes are out of our control, we can let go and let God.

Today we can choose our actions based in hope rather than fear.

Today if we are overwhelmed, we can always try to break life down into smaller bites. We can do just about anything for a day, or if we can’t handle that we can at least do what we need to for an hour.

Today if you are reading this you are already doing something to improve your life and your loved one’s life.

Today there is hope! Hope that regardless of the past we can be happy, we can turn our past pains into lessons, we can find meaning in our troubles, and we can forgive ourselves and others.

Today we can be grateful!

Today we can have faith!

This article was written by Josh Azevedo for Parents of Addicted Loved Ones and originally appeared on their blog for families of addicted loved ones here.

Getting ready for the holidays in recovery.

Holiday Season Preparation!

By on December 3rd, 2021 in Family Support for Addiction, Parent Recovery, Substance Abuse Recovery Tools

I get many questions this time of year about navigating the holiday season with an addicted loved one. This is understandable, being that this season can bring all the family dynamics (positive and negative) front and center.

Depending on the family’s past holidays together, parents often worry about repeated bad experiences.  For some, this can keep them angry about the past. Some parents may also feel guilty or embarrassed about their current situation knowing they will be spending time with family and friends. All of this can create stress.

Have hope! The season can still be a wonderful time for the family whether the addict is sober or not, and whether they participate or not. If you have dealt with the addict in your family creating holiday strife in the past and have allowed this to ruin the holiday for you, I suggest deciding right now to respond in a different way than you have before. Decide ahead of time to enjoy yourself regardless of your addicted loved one’s choices or behavior. “How do I do that?” you might ask. The following suggestions are some tried and true methods successfully used by parents:

Mitigate expectations – Take time to write down or discuss expectations with another parent in recovery. What are your expectations of other people’s behavior? Are you setting yourself up for disappointment?  Focus on letting go of expecting anybody else to behave in a certain way. Turn your expectations to your own behavior, decide how you want to conduct yourself during this season. There is only one person in the world you can really control. Hint: it’s you! Turn inward and decide to be happy with yourself and your own responses no matter what others do.

Have a plan – An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Take time to get on the same page with your spouse or whoever is in this with you, decide ahead of time how you want to handle upcoming stressful situations, i.e. Do we want to let our child come to any holiday events? If so, is he/she required to be sober? How will we answer questions about our child to extended family? How can we help each other if we see the other one backsliding on boundaries, or struggling with family or friends? It may be a good idea to get another recovery parent to weigh in on the plan.

Create a plan with the recovering addict (if your loved one is newly sober) – Ask how you can be supportive. Be prepared to change plans if engagements involve alcohol or high stress. Be prepared to skip the alcohol yourself, a little solidarity can go a long way.

Be ready to create new traditions when needed – Trying the same thing over and over expecting different results is insanity.

Practice gratitude – Going back to last month’s blog, create a daily gratitude practice. There is nothing better than gratitude to remind us that God is providing us with all our needs. Gratitude is also infectious, share it with others!

Find humor – It’s everywhere if we look for it!

Be wary of self-pity – Avoid any “poor me” thinking. If you find yourself headed down that road, call a recovery parent for support or better yet get out of the self-pity by finding someone to help who is worse off than you.

The above tips will help you practice your recovery in the holiday season.  Holidays provide many opportunities to practice these tools, and to keep them sharp.  I always suggest extra recovery meetings, not less, during this time.

Let’s go into the season prepared to be of service to others. In my personal experience and through observing families in recovery for over 27 years, I have not seen a better medicine for all problems than to get out of ourselves, be grateful to God, and to help our fellow man.

This article was written by Josh Azevedo for Parents of Addicted Loved Ones and originally appeared on their blog for families of addicted loved ones here.

Tiles that say "gratitude changes everything".

Let’s Talk About Gratitude

By on November 3rd, 2021 in Parent Recovery, Substance Abuse Recovery Tools

It’s November! Let’s talk about gratitude. There is no better medicine to lift our spirits than a quick account of our blessings. What an incredibly powerful tool for changing our perspectives for the better. The happiest, most resilient people I meet always seem to have an “attitude of gratitude.” The people I see with quality, lasting recovery always express a lot of gratitude in life and often turn their focus to helping others.

Attitudes tend to snowball. We have all had a day when a sour attitude or self-pity leads to further frustrations as we complain that things are continually going awry. A day in a grateful mindset tends to do the same. Things either go well or we tend to respond better if they don’t. Usually, we will find that what we are focusing on will grow. Are you currently focused on complaints or blessings?

I believe that in a grateful mindset we see life clearly. Gratitude can often shift our attention from fear toward faith. When we count our blessings, we can look backward and see that we survived each situation leading up to now and maybe even ended up becoming better people as a result. Even in difficult times gratitude can help keep us going and make adversity bearable.

In our meetings we focus on education about the disease of alcoholism/addiction, we focus on admitting and accepting the problem, and we seek and implement the solutions. Gratitude is one of these solutions. The practice of staying grateful, even when things are difficult, can help in coping with the toughest situations (such as dealing with a child or loved one in an active addiction). The same goes for coping with problems involving society, family, financial stress, illness, or any other stress-inducing life problems.

When our minds and bodies are stressed and stuck in fight or flight, it is easy to become reactive and to forget about God. If we are being honest, we begin to play God or think we know better. In a state of panic or self-pity we don’t often consider how a stressful situation may have value. We must get out of the panic! Gratitude will help every time. Try it the next time you are stressed: take a quick count of your blessings. Gratitude is not a tool that dulls with heavy use, it is usually quite the opposite, the more gratitude is practiced the more powerful and effective it becomes.

Let’s hit the spiritual gym, here is the fitness plan:

Take time to count your blessings each day.

As soon as you hear yourself complaining about anything, stop and think of something you are grateful for.

Take time and effort to show you are grateful when opportunity arises.

Identify the people in your life that support you and thank them.

Consider what good has come from your journey through an addiction.

Find a way to support another parent.

Enlist your family in a discussion about gratitude.

Help others identify blessings in their lives.

An incredibly simple tool that is always accessible is an “attitude of gratitude.” I hope we can all carry this into our relationships with other people and with God. It is the start of the holiday season, so let’s kick it off right!

This article was written by Josh Azevedo for Parents of Addicted Loved Ones and originally appeared on their blog for families of addicted loved ones here.

Gears with the words true and false engraved on them.

Beliefs and Actions

By on September 3rd, 2021 in Family Support for Addiction, Substance Abuse Recovery Tools

I have mentioned in previous blog posts that parents in crisis often act on what I perceive to be false beliefs. Some examples of this follow: they think they can control other people’s choices, can fix addiction in a loved one, that their child’s addiction is somehow their fault, that addicts are victims, etc. I do not wish to assert that I always know true from false beliefs, I merely wish to share what I have learned from my own experience.

I would also like to further discuss the idea that we act out our belief systems. This being the case, our actions can tell us a lot about what we do and do not believe about addiction and recovery. I hope this discussion will help to identify false beliefs and affirm that both beliefs and actions can be changed for the better. These changes will most often yield better results in life such as more happiness and peace.

Let’s work backwards as we seek to unearth beliefs that we may be hiding from ourselves. You may ask “Why would anybody hide a belief from themselves, wouldn’t that be preposterous?” “Shouldn’t we all know our own beliefs and motives?” In my experience the human being is masterful at denial and can hide unpleasant, unpopular, and undesirable character traits from themselves. An example of this is the addicted loved one who says they do not believe that using drugs and living an addicted lifestyle is hurting anybody other than themselves. Not so preposterous, huh? If they were to accept the damage their choices were creating, they would either need to change or admit they do not care.

Let’s take a deeper look. If a parent’s actions are to bail their child out of trouble, what does this say about their belief in their child’s ability to handle adversity? If questioned, the parent may answer, “I know my child cannot handle adversity, I have witnessed it.” This often makes clear the premise guiding their actions. They believe their child cannot handle the situation. Once this belief is identified, a parent can challenge the belief or at least discuss it in their recovery meeting or with a spiritual advisor or mentor. Maybe they decide they want to keep the belief, but the challenge is always worthwhile.

Here are a few open-ended questions to ask yourself and discuss with another parent or spiritual advisor.

  • I do not say no when I want to because I believe….
  • I enable because I believe…
  • I do not take care of myself because I believe..
  • I am stressed often because I believe…
  • I am stuck living in an addiction cycle because I believe…
  • I keep doing ________ which I don’t feel good about because I believe…

Try working the formula on anything you are stuck on. Does it help to identify the belief?

Once we pinpoint a belief that does not serve us, we can challenge the belief, discuss it with another and work it all the way out to make a change. Warning! This often takes commitment and does not happen overnight. Once this ineffective belief has been brought to light and has been moved from the unconscious to the conscious, the next challenge is to turn the new awareness into new action. When we change the behavior, we start to see a change in results.

These watershed moments where new awareness is gained can go a long way. It is a good habit to frequently pause and take a quick assessment of our current state of mind and progress in recovery, asking ourselves what our actions show that we believe.

A few more questions to meditate on:

  • Do my actions truly reflect what I say I believe?
  • If I believe my child’s journey is their own, what is my role?
  • If I believe there is hope, how would I act from now on?
  • If I do not believe I cause my child’s addiction, how would I respond?
  • If I believe in God, do my actions reflect this?

Let’s apply the concept to an addicted loved one. Their sponsor or counselor is often doing just that. Remember if we believe addicts are victims, we will treat them as such and aid them staying sick.

  • If staying sober is important to you, then why do you avoid meetings?
  • If staying sober is important to you, why do you keep the same company as you did when you were using?
  • If family is important to you, why do you lie to them?
  • If growing up is important, why don’t you hold a job?
  • If being trusted is important to you, why aren’t you trustworthy?

Their actions always create great insight into their belief systems. The answer sometimes is simply that these things are not yet important to them, but they desire to have others believe that they are.

An urgent reminder: if we allow ourselves to be blind to our beliefs and unaccountable for our actions, it is likely that we will in turn allow our addicted loved ones to do the same.

It is also important to remember the concept “progress not perfection,” be gentle but firm with yourself and seek out as many self-defeating beliefs as you can. Who knows, you might even have some fun doing so and meet some great friends along the way.

This article was written by Josh Azevedo for Parents of Addicted Loved Ones and originally appeared on their blog for families of addicted loved ones here.

Hitting the pause button when agitated or doubtful.

Pause When Agitated or Doubtful

By on July 9th, 2021 in Parent Recovery, Substance Abuse Recovery Tools

Regularly, I hear baffled parents recount interactions with their addicted children, wondering things such as: “Why did I agreed to that? How did I get talked into this? I can’t believe I said that to my kid! I totally went back on what I and my spouse agreed to. I am able to be completely logical in most situations, why can’t I be when I am talking to my son/daughter?”

These interactions leave parents wondering how they allow themselves to be manipulated or distracted from how they intended to respond to their child.

What happens?

I can’t answer that thoroughly in 1,000 words or less, but here are some concepts to reflect upon that may help you to understand what is happening.

To start, let’s discuss a couple of traits that are common among addicts. First, they are often emotional and desperate, leading them (knowingly or unknowingly) to set up situations and interactions that they perceive as emergencies. High drama is often created by ignoring life’s daily maintenance. So, when things go wrong or threaten to have consequences their problems become urgent and highly emotional. Sometimes these emotional situations are a tactic to get what they want or avoid what they do not want.

Second, they have become accustomed to and dependent upon instant gratification. When they are gratified, they can be at peace; but the second gratification begins to go, panic ensues. They begin to urgently wonder things like: Where will I get my next high? How will I get money? How will I get out of this situation I got myself into (relationship, rent, job, school, finances, legal, etc.)?

Now let’s discuss how these traits can affect interactions with the parent(s).

During these interactions with the addict, the parent is put under duress to help or fix situations and to do it right now! It is already incredibly difficult not to become emotional when our children are now agitated and in a hurry. This being said, it is easy to end up in the same emotional state that the child is.

Once a parent is in a heightened emotional space their judgement also becomes cloudy. This increases the chance of the parent themselves doing things such as making rash, emotional, and quick decisions.

The following are types of responses or reactions often made in this heightened state:

  • Appeasing
  • Punishing the addict
  • Making decisions without consulting a spouse or co-parent to create a united front
  • Not asking for help/guidance from a spiritual advisor or another parent in recovery
  • Failing to look at the facts
  • Failing to contextualize the facts
  • Letting fear guide decisions
  • Avoiding problems

When we are fearful and emotional it is very hard to think clearly. There are even biological changes caused by stress (fight or flight response) which compromise our decision-making processes. The addict is often in this place of fight or flight, and they can bring the parent right down to their level if allowed.

As a parent who is trying to change how you respond to your addict, a “pause” can allow you time to think and redirect even deeply entrenched patterns of response. This pause can help stop the insanity of the moment (which we will define for this purpose as doing the same thing over and expecting a different result).

How many times has a decision we regret or retract been made because we were hasty or emotional (agitated, fearful, angry, doubtful, guilty, tired, hungry)? A few moments, minutes, days, or even weeks can change our state of mind and allow us to become thoughtful and mindful about our response to a given situation. Sometimes the best answer to give your addicted loved one or anyone for that matter is “I will have to get back to you.”

Remember that many people, especially the emotional and instant gratification seeking addict, will not like this. However, it may be the only way to keep your peace of mind and truly feel good about your responses. In addition, and in most circumstances, any time an addict has to wait (real emergencies aside) is probably good for them, it may even allow them to problem solve and offer a chance for them to build self-esteem.

To wrap things up, let’s talk about a few more solutions you can use if you know you are going to be engaging in a potentially emotional conversation or situation. You can use these ideas to plan future situations, this will help you to remain calm and focused:

Discuss situations/decisions with your spouse or co-parent prior to the interactions and have the interactions together with the addict to create a true “united front.”

  • Go to a public place for the conversation.
  • Let go of the outcome prior to the interaction.
  • Have an exit prepared. If the conversation goes nowhere, you do not have to stay in it.
  • Try to avoid engaging in a conversation when you are already stressed.
  • Consult a spiritual advisor or parent who relates to your situation prior to potentially hard conversations.
  • Try to avoid interactions while you have any kind of time pressure on you (e.g., If you have to be at work in ten minutes the conversation should probably wait).

In closing, I will leave you with something to meditate upon – What is the best way for
you to pause and restore your clarity and peace of mind?

This article was written by Josh Azevedo for Parents of Addicted Loved Ones and originally appeared on their blog for families of addicted loved ones here.

Yesterday, now, and tomorrow signs on a signpost.

Judging Yesterday’s Actions With Today’s Information

By on July 6th, 2021 in Parent Recovery, Substance Abuse Recovery Tools

Looking for a surefire way to ruin your day, month, year, even all your golden years?

Try this… let’s judge yesterday’s actions with today’s information.

Take what you know today, with all your experience and knowledge; then look back over your life, make sure to focus directly on your parenting and sort through each detail. The next step is taking what you know now, with today’s information, and judge all your past decisions. Notice all your mistakes and say things to yourself like, I should have, I could have, and I would have.

See how that works! Instant misery. Now that you are good and depressed, let’s talk about judging yesterday’s actions with today’s information. As absurd as it may seem laid out in the above way, it is one of the primary ways that parents stay stuck, sick, and unhappy. Many parents of addicts do this to themselves for years, always with negative results. This mentality of judging past decisions with new information fosters low self-esteem, depression, guilt, poor relationships, and even poor health. The regret and guilt created by doing this can keep a parent engaged in a dynamic with their adult children that allows the child to avoid the natural consequences of their addiction.

Sometimes parents might judge others’ (spouse, schools, law enforcement, friends, etc.) past actions in relation to their child and blame them for their child’s problems and addiction. This mindset succeeds in keeping the addict in the victim role rather than allowing the addict to take ownership over what he/she must change in order to recover. This mindset is also often used by parents to avoid that persistent and scary (FALSE) belief that it is their fault that their child is faced with addiction.

If you can see the insanity in judging yesterday’s actions with today’s information, what can you do to change this mentality?

First and foremost, know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. This is where parent meetings are critical. Discussion with others who have walked this path will help tremendously; a burden shared is halved. There is a difference between knowing there are other parents out there who have dealt with addicted kids and actually spending time talking with them. There is enormous relief from shared experience and identification with others.

Educate yourself about addiction; anyone who understands addiction knows it is almost never the parent’s fault and that the only way for addicts to recover is for them to take responsibility for their own lives. It is really challenging for them to do this and nearly impossible if the parents won’t let go, stop fixing everything, and begin to recover themselves.

Focus on today’s actions, dwelling on the past is never useful. Take todays new information you are learning from other parents and only apply it to today. When we apply a solution to the here and now it can really help effect change instead of keeping us stuck in the past. So, let’s try this again…. Looking for a great way to help you enjoy your day, month, year, or even the rest of your golden years? Try the above positive suggestions and remember that you are powerless over the choices of others but have the power to feel good about yourself as a parent right now!

With Love,
Josh Azevedo, LISAC

This article was written by Josh Azevedo for Parents of Addicted Loved Ones and originally appeared on their blog for families of addicted loved ones here.

Giving it away to keep it, a 12-step recovery concept.

Give It Away to Keep It

By on July 3rd, 2021 in Parent Recovery, Substance Abuse Recovery Tools

How can parents continue to grow and develop in their recovery over time?

Parents often come to their first meeting feeling hopeless and the first thing they usually learn is that they are not alone. Knowing this is a tremendous relief. Finding others who are willing to listen and can identify with their story is a great start. Next, parents often realize that although they might have come seeking to learn how to change their child, or addicted loved one, they are finding out it is actually themselves who they will need to work on and change.

This opens up a tremendous learning period, a true paradigm shift, and a new way of looking at themselves, their loved one and addiction as a whole. Parents then change long-term behaviors, learn to let go of control, work through anger and hurt, become free of guilt and taking responsibility for others actions, learn to work with their spouse better, learn to communicate with their child, get educated about addiction and more. So, while they originally came for their child, they stay involved for themselves and their own growth. As their tools develop, so does their sense of comradery and friendship with the other attendees of their meetings. Parents often find themselves attending even when everything is going well, just to see a friend. A recovery meeting is often one of the brightest spots in their week regardless of how their child doing.

Once the parent reaches this point it is an important time to borrow a concept from the 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous. The most important part of the 12-step recovery program is helping others by giving back. There is nobody who can reach an alcoholic like another alcoholic and the same concept applies to parents; there is nobody better (experts included) than a parent of an addicted child to help another parent of an addicted child. One parent talking to another is the absolute best way a parent can receive help. Those who have tried it know: the real magic of recovery is that the person helping gains as much benefit as the person they are trying to help, if not more. Giving back is very important for long term recovery. A paradox of the program is that you must give it away in order to keep it. Just as the addict who does not help other addicts often relapses, parents who do not dedicate some time to helping other parents often relapse into old behaviors.

The best way to reap the long-term rewards of recovery such as peace, self-love, happiness and freedom found in recovery is to give it back to somebody else. In this way, recovery is a lifelong process of always having your hand out to the next parent who is in the place that you once were and always doing your part to let another know that they are not alone. There’s another AA saying that applies here:

I am responsible.

When anyone anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there, and for that I am responsible.

Any PAL parent can supplement this saying into their own recovery and make a commitment to themselves to practice gratitude for their recovery by taking responsibility to help the next parent in need.

So, to continue to reap the rewards of recovery that you have found and continue to grow in your own life, remember the best way to learn something is to teach it to another, and always remember to give it away to keep it!

This article was written by Josh Azevedo for Parents of Addicted Loved Ones and originally appeared on their blog for families of addicted loved ones here.

A plant uncomfortably growing up through the soil.

Sometimes We Have to Get Uncomfortable In Order to Grow

By on July 1st, 2021 in Parent Recovery, Substance Abuse Recovery Tools

Having a child with an addiction can create a lot of chaos and discomfort in a family. Most people who find themselves reading this blog will know this from first-hand experience. Participation in a parent recovery program introduces perspective changes that help parents to cope with incredibly difficult situations. One of these changes seen in both parents and addicts in recovery is that they are able to take the discomfort and pain that accompanies addiction and turn it into an opportunity to take a deep look inward at themselves. Often, I’ve seen them turn discomfort and chaos into a positive catalyst for change, growth, and self-improvement.

So, what are the roadblocks to change?

The avoidance of discomfort is a common way both parents and addicts stay stuck. Think of the parent who does not want to upset the applecart by placing healthy boundaries in the relationship, or the addict who does not want to face the discomfort of living in their own skin without chemicals or face the growing up that must come with recovery. The larger the potential for discomfort and the further away the payoff for change seems to be, the easier it is to avoid even trying.

When parents begin to feel hopeless, the avoidance of an uncomfortable change can become worse and behavior that keeps them stuck can set in. These behaviors can look any of the following ways: justifying current or past unhealthy responses to the addict, justifying the addict’s behavior, accepting that the addict is a victim, finding reasons to delay change, waiting for a day when the perfect conditions exist to act (the problem here is that the perfect conditions may not ever appear), or lowering the bar for how they allow themselves to be treated. If you have ever found yourself in this insanity loop, doing the same things over and over and getting the same results, you are definitely not alone. This type of insanity is a predictable, but unhappy way to live.

Do not lose hope.

Our greatest moments of pain are usually when we reach for a helping hand, and when we most fervently seek God. Adversity and challenge, although painful, can bring the best out of us. We may even surprise ourselves by being able to respond to difficult situations and come out the other side not only having survived, but also having learned something valuable. Courage and faith are necessary for change when we are afraid or in pain.

The perspective change of seeing our problems and discomforts as opportunities to be welcomed and as a chance to grow goes a long way to end suffering and provide opportunity for recovery.

Once a parent decides they are willing to withstand discomfort, they can stop making the addict comfortable and allow them to deal with the natural and logical consequences of their life choices. This allows the addict to have a real opportunity to take a look at their lives and make a decision to recover. They may or may not take the opportunity, but at the very least the parent can know they created the chance.

Having a support group for encouragement and support is critical in tolerating the discomfort that comes with these changes. There are countless stories of parents struggling to sleep when deciding not to return late night calls, saying “no more money,” and not bailing children out of jail. Having someone to call can make the unbearable, bearable. The support group also provides hope, because other parents have been able to change and feel good about themselves. There are also countless stories of recovering addicts sharing that the moment of willingness to change was preceded by a moment when no one came to their aid and they accepted it was time for a change. Many of these addicts report extreme gratitude for these moments saying things such as “I am so glad my parents had finally had enough or I would still be out using, incarcerated or possibly dead.”

So, we can now ask ourselves:

Is there a change I need to make that I am avoiding?

If I choose comfort all of the time, am I missing a chance for a positive change?

Am I keeping somebody else from an opportunity to change because I want to be comfortable?

and ultimately….

Am I willing to be uncomfortable in order to grow?

Many PAL parents have answered these questions and taken steps to find recovery, peace of mind and freedom from addiction. They have turned their discomfort, pain and fear into hope, faith, and peace of mind. Their experience can provide a roadmap for any parent who is ready to do the same.

This article was written by Josh Azevedo for Parents of Addicted Loved Ones and originally appeared on their blog for families of addicted loved ones here.